Transforming Emergency Communications for the UK

For over four decades, AVR Group has stood as a beacon of innovation in the emergency services sector.

Since our inception in 1976, we've been dedicated to empowering the Emergency Services with cutting-edge technology. Our integrated managed solutions redefine how emergency services operate, ensuring faster responses and enhanced communication.

Trusted by the Emergency Services and Government for over 40 years

Established in 1976, AVR Group helps organisations manage their emergency communications. We specify, design and implement technical solutions, processes and systems to enhance the safety of people and property throughout the UK.

Managed Services

NM Online

A system designed to enable UK Police Forces to request and manage temporary security systems.


MAIT - Multi Agency Incident Transfer, is the catalyst for seamless incident communication among emergency services.


ECHO - Electronic Call Handling Operations, is a not-for-profit organisation accelerating blue light responders' deployment.

Explore AVR Group's robust infrastructure and connectivity solutions.

Unparalleled reliability & scalability


Find out more about how we are transforming emergency communications